ground battery

ground battery
аэродромный аккумулятор

Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР. . 1962.

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Смотреть что такое "ground battery" в других словарях:

  • Battery Park City — is a 92 acre (0.4 km²) planned community at the southwestern tip of lower Manhattan in New York City, United States. The land upon which it stands was created from the Hudson River using 1.2 million cubic yards (917,000 m³) of dirt and rocks… …   Wikipedia

  • Ground Zero (9-11) — Ground Zero, in der Militärsprache die Explosionsstelle einer Bombe oder Rakete über dem Boden, wird seit dem 11. September 2001 auch für das zerstörte World Trade Center in New York verwendet. Manhattan am 12. September, NASA Satellitenbild Das… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Battery Park — is a 25 acre (10 hectare) public park located at the Battery, the southern tip of the New York City borough of Manhattan, facing New York Harbor. The Battery is named for the artillery battery that was stationed there at various times by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Battery Tower, New York City — was the name of a proposed initial unit of a $50,000,000 1929 residential development on West Street, near the Battery. It would have served workers in the Wall Street area. and would have been the firsthotel apartment completed in the Financial… …   Wikipedia

  • Ground Forces of the Slovak Republic — GROUND FORCES HQ in Trencin (Commander: 2 Star General): Command Support Battalion:: HQ and Support Company:: Transport and Guard Company:: Air Defence Battery:: Medical Platoon: NBC Defence Battalion in Roznava: Engineer Battalion in Sered:1st… …   Wikipedia

  • Battery Garesche — or Battery Garesché was a Union Army artillery battery built as part of the defenses of Washington, D.C. in the American Civil War at what is now Abingdon Street at South 30th Road in Fairlington, Arlington County, Virginia. It was constructed in …   Wikipedia

  • Battery (vacuum tube) — In electronics, vacuum tubes were traditionally powered by batteries. Each battery had a different designation depending on which vacuum tube element it was associated with.Initially, the only such device was a diode with only a filament… …   Wikipedia

  • ground — (GND or GRND) [1] Terminal of battery that is connected to the metal framework of the vehicle so that the frame acts as a conductor of electricity. In North America, the negative terminal is grounded. In British terms, it is called Earth. Also… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • battery ground pattern — pabūklų išdėstymas ugnies pozicijoje statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Pabūklų išsklaidymas ir išdėstymas šaudymui nustatyta tvarka. Ppr. pabūklai ugnies pozicijoje išdėstomi eilės tvarka (pagal pabūklų numerius) iš dešinės į kairę. Tarpai tarp …   Artilerijos terminų žodynas

  • battery strap — [1] A wire cable or braided wire strap to transfer electricity. It can be found between the engine block and the chassis because the engine is isolated from the chassis by rubber mounts. Also called ground strap. See ground wire. [2] A rubber… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • ground wire — The wire which goes from the negative post of the battery to the frame on negative ground vehicles. Another ground wire may be a thick wire or braided wire cable which connects the engine to the frame. Since many engines are rubber mounted, there …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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